#' Results from a survey on value orientation
#' This is a random selection of 1000 cases with 15 variables
#' of Human Values from the european social survey.
#' The data were collected by students of the FOM
#' in Germany in spring 2017 using face-to-face interviews.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data("Werte")
#' @format A data frame containing 1000 rows and 15 columns
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Spass}{Fun}
#'   \item{Freude}{Joy}
#'   \item{Aufregung}{Excitement}
#'   \item{Fuehrung}{Leadership}
#'   \item{Entscheidung}{Decisiveness}
#'   \item{Religioesitaet}{Religiosity}
#'   \item{Respekt}{Respect}
#'   \item{Demut}{Humility}
#'   \item{Gefahrenvermeidung}{Avoidance}
#'   \item{Sicherheit}{Security}
#'   \item{Ordentlichkeit}{Orderliness}
#'   \item{Unabhaengigkeit}{Independence}
#'   \item{Zuhoeren}{Listening}
#'   \item{Umweltbewusstsein}{Environment awareness}
#'   \item{Interesse}{Intereset}
#'  }
#' @details This dataset was published here: \url{https://osf.io/zg89r/}.
#' @source Please cite this dataset as: 'Gansser, O. (2017, June 8).
#' Data for Principal Component Analysis and Common Factor
#' Analysis. Retrieved from https://osf.io/zg89r/', CC-BY 4.0

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