
#' Dataframe containing the results of the 2017 federal elections (Bundestagswahl)
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(elec_results)
#' @description Data presented here has been altered in the sense that it has been rendered more machine-friendly (one header row only, no special characters, no blanks in header line, etc.). Beside that, the data itself has not been changed in any way.#'
#' The columns are structures as follows. For each column AFTER 'parent_district_nr', ie., from column 4 onward, 4 columns build one bundle. In each bundle, column 1 refers to the Erststimme in the present election; column 2 to the Erststimme in the previous election. Column 3 refers to the Zweitstimme of the present election, and column 4 to the Zweitstimme of the previous election. For example, 'CDU_3' refers to the number of Zweitstimmen in the present (2017) elections.#'
#' The long names of the 43 parties at the 2017 federal German elects can be accessed via the dataframe parties_de
#' @format A data frame containing 332 rows and 191 columns
#' @source This dataset is based on data published by the Bundeswahlleiter 2017, (c) Der Bundeswahlleiter, Wiesbaden 2017, \url{https://www.bundeswahlleiter.de/info/impressum.html}, Data is made available for unrestricted use provided the source is credited.

sebastiansauer/pradadata documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 11:32 a.m.