
#' Results from a survey on extraversion
#' This dataset provides results from a survey on extraversion.
#' Subjects
#' were students participating in a statistics class at
#' FOM University of Applied Sciences.
#' Student with different majors participated in the
#' study with the majority coming from psychology majors.
#' The study was intented primarily as an educational endavor.
#' For example, variables with different
#' scale levels (nominal, metric) were included.
#' However, different aspect of extraverion
#' were included to test some psychometric assumptions.
#' For example, one item approaches to extraversion are included.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(extra)
#' @format A data frame containing 826 rows and 33 columns
#' \describe{
#'   \item{timestamp}{Chr. Date and Time in German format}
#'   \item{code}{Chr. Pseudonymous code of each participant}
#'   \item{i01}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i02r}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i03}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i04}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i05}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i06r}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i07}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i08}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i09}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{i10}{Int. items 1-10. "r" indicates recoded (reverserd). Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{n_facebook_friends}{Int. Count of self-reported Facebook friends}
#'   \item{n_hangover}{Int. Count of self-reported hangovers in the last 12 months}
#'   \item{age}{Int. Age}
#'   \item{sex}{Int. Sex}
#'   \item{extra_single_item}{Int. extraversion by single ime, Answers: 1 (not agree) to 4 (agree)}
#'   \item{time_conversation}{Num. How many minutes do you need to get into a converation at a party}
#'   \item{presentation}{Chr. Would you volunteer to give a speech at a convention?}
#'   \item{n_party}{Int. Self-reported numbers of party attended in the last 12 months}
#'   \item{clients}{Chr. Self-reported frequency of being in contact with clients at work}
#'   \item{extra_vignette}{Chr. Self-reported fit to extraversion description (fit vs. non-fit)}
#'   \item{i21}{Chr. Empty}
#'   \item{extra_vignette2}{Num. extraversiong descriptiong, ranging from 1 (extraverted) to 6 (introverted)}
#'   \item{major}{Chr. Major field of study}
#'   \item{smoker}{Chr. Smoker?}
#'   \item{sleep_week}{Chr. Daily hours of sleep during work days}
#'   \item{sleep_wend}{Chr. Daily hours of sleep during week ends}
#'   \item{clients_freq}{Num. Same as 'clients', from 1 (barely) to 5 (very often)}
#'   \item{extra_mean}{Num. Mean of 10 items}
#'   \item{extra_md}{Num. Median of 10 items}
#'   \item{extra_aad}{Num. Absolute average deviation from the mean of 10 items}
#'   \item{extra_mode}{Num. Mode of 10 items}
#'   \item{extra_iqr}{Num. IQR of 10 items}
#'  }
#' @details This dataset was published here: \url{https://osf.io/4kgzh}.
#'     See survey here \url{https://goo.gl/forms/B5bparAu8uR7T1c03}.
#'     Items of the survey have changed over time.
#'     Only the most recent version of the survey is online.
#'     Survey conducted at the Business Psychology lab at FOM
#'     University of Applied Sciences from 2015 to April 2017
#' @source Please cite this dataset as: 'Sauer, S. (2016, November 19).
#'     Extraversion Dataset. http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/4KGZH'

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