
#' Data from the OECD Regional Wellbeing study (RWB_03112017172414431)
#' Version of June 2016
#' Agregated and detailed indicators for all OECD regions are reported.
#' Please see the OECD userguide for details on the indicators
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(wellbeing)
#' @keywords datasets
#' @format A data frame with 429 rows and 28 variables
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Country}{OECD country}
#'   \item{Region}{Region}
#'   \item{region_type}{part of country or whole country}
#'   \item{Code}{ISO code of administrative unit in row}
#'   \item{Education}{Education}
#'   \item{Jobs}{Jobs}
#'   \item{Income}{Income}
#'   \item{Safety}{Safety}
#'   \item{Health}{Health}
#'   \item{Environment}{Environment}
#'   \item{Civic_engagement}{Civic engagement}
#'   \item{Accessiblity_to_services}{Accessibility of services}
#'   \item{Housing}{Housing}
#'   \item{Community}{Community}
#'   \item{Life_satisfaction}{Life_satisfaction}
#'   \item{Labour}{Labour force with at least secondary education}
#'   \item{Employment}{Employment rate}
#'   \item{Unemployment}{Unemploy-ment rate}
#'   \item{Income_capita}{Household disposable income per capita}
#'   \item{Homicide}{Homicide rate}
#'   \item{Mortality}{Mortality rate}
#'   \item{Life_expectancy}{Life expectancy}
#'   \item{PM25}{Air pollution level of PM2.5}
#'   \item{Voter}{Voter turnout}
#'   \item{Broadband}{Broadband access}
#'   \item{Rooms}{Number of rooms per person}
#'   \item{Support}{Perceived social network support}
#'   \item{Satisfaction}{Self assessment of life satisfaction}
#' @source \url{https://www.oecdregionalwellbeing.org/}

sebastiansauer/pradadata documentation built on June 5, 2024, 1:27 a.m.