Man pages for sebkopf/isorunN2O
Process IRMS runs of N2O analyses.

calculate_backgroundCalculate background area
calculate_concentrationsCalculate the concentrations of the source samples
calculate_oxidation_blankCalculate oxidation blank area/volume
calibrate_d15Calibrate d15 values with the given standards
calibrate_d15_orgCalibrate organic d15 values with the given standards
calibrate_d18Calibrate organic d15 values with the given standards
change_categoryChange the category of specific analyses
correct_N2O_for_17OCorrect N2O data for O17
default_cache_filedefault cache file name
evaluate_driftEvaluate drift
generate_data_tableGenerate an overview table with the data
generate_parameter_tablegenerate a summary of the parameters (lists all unique rows...
get_calib_coefmethod making it easier to retrieve regression coefficients...
get_isodat_data_tablesCombine isodat files' data tables
isorunN2O-packageisorunN2O: Process IRMS runs of N2O analyses.
load_cachestore cach file
load_run_folderLoad raw run data
make_interactiveMakes a ggplot interactive using ggplotly.
make_itextGenerate more elaborate interactive hover text labels
parse_file_namesParse the file names into categories
plot_overviewmake sure the last plot uses ggplot instead of plotly...
round_to_errerror round
run_d15_calibrationruns the d15 calibration internally called from calibrate_d15...
run_data_viewerRun the N2O data viewer
run_data_viewer_devfor development of data viewer not exported to namespace but...
save_cachestore cache file
select_columnsSelect relevant data columns
select_N2O_peakIdentify the N2O peak
set_backgroundSet the bacterial background
set_oxidation_blankSet the oxdiation blank arae/volume
set_run_sizeSet the run size
sebkopf/isorunN2O documentation built on April 18, 2021, 6:57 p.m.