Man pages for selbouhaddani/PO2PLS
Probabilistic Two-Way Orthogonal Partial Least Squares

blockmConstruct a block-diagonal matrix
bootstrap_inner.po2mCalculate standard errors for the inner relation coefficient...
cov.PO2PLSCalculate covariance matrix of PO2PLS
E_stepExpectation step
E_step_slowExpectation step (slower version)
E_step_testExpectation step
generate_dataGenerate two datasets based on PO2PLS
generate_paramsGenerate parameter values of a PO2PLS model
jitter_paramsJitter PO2PLS parameters
LemmaImplements block-wise inverse
LRTLikelihood ratio test for two nested PO2PLS fits
M_stepMaximization step
PO2PLSPerform O2-PLS with two-way orthogonal corrections
PO2PLS-packagePO2PLS: Probabilistic Two-way Orthogonal Partial Least...
PO2PLS_to_po2mConvert old PO2PLS fit to new-style PO2PLS fit
print.loglik.po2mPrints log-likelihood statistics of a PO2PLS fit
print.po2mPrints an overview of a PO2PLS fit
print.summary.po2mPrints a summary of a PO2PLS fit
summary.po2mCalculates a summary of a PO2PLS fit
trCalculate trace of a matrix
variances_inner.po2mCalculate the variance covariance matrix of the estimated...
selbouhaddani/PO2PLS documentation built on June 29, 2024, 7:56 a.m.