ryandexdirect-package: Load Data From 'Yandex Direct'

ryandexdirect-packageR Documentation

Load Data From 'Yandex Direct'


Load data from 'Yandex Direct' API V5 <https://yandex.ru/dev/direct/doc/dg/concepts/about-docpage> into R. Provide function for load lists of campaings, ads, keywords and other objects from 'Yandex Direct' account. Also you can load statistic from API 'Reports Service' <https://yandex.ru/dev/direct/doc/reports/reports-docpage>. And allows keyword bids management.


The DESCRIPTION file: This package was not yet installed at build time.
Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.


Alexey Seleznev [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0410-7385>)

Maintainer: Alexey Seleznev <selesnow@gmail.com>

selesnow/ryandexdirect documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 1:52 p.m.