# so that the same bingo card will be generated every time
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


Generate Bingo cards.

Currently has built-in squares for SuperBowl 50 :football: and data / spreadsheet craziness :chart_with_downwards_trend:. Or you can provide your own text for the squares.

Make printable Bingo cards without installing anything via this Shiny app:

Feel free to help us make these cards less ugly or to explore new bingo topics! PRs welcome :grin:.


Install from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

SuperBowl Example


## see some of the SuperBowl 50 squares

## make 8 bingo cards (SuperBowl 50 is current default)
bc <- bingo(8)

## print them to PDF

Here's what one looks like:

"Open" and Bad Data Examples

We offer two sets of squares inspired by the ~~pain~~ joy of dealing with #otherpeoplesdata

Use topics[["open-data"]] to get squares based on this tweet from Chris McDowall:

For two weeks I noted issues encountered as I used NZ govt data. Today I collected enough to make a bingo card. \@fogonwater, January 3, 2016

Use topics[["bad-data"]] to get squares inspired by the Quartz guide to bad data:

An exhaustive reference to problems seen in real-world data along with suggestions on how to resolve them.... Most of these problems can be solved. Some of them can't be solved and that means you should not use the data. Others can't be solved, but with precautions you can continue using the data.

## see some Open Data squares

## see some Bad Data squares

## make a single Open Data bingo card
bc <- bingo(words = topics[["open-data"]])

## make a custom bingo blend from the open and bad data squares
bc <- bingo(words = c(topics[["open-data"]], topics[["bad-data"]]))

## print it
plot(bc, pdf_base = "open-data-")

Here's an Open Data bingo card:

crap <- c(list.files(pattern = "bingo-[0-9]+.pdf"),
          list.files(pattern = "open-data-[0-9]+.pdf"))

Run Shiny app locally

To run the app we're running remotely on your own machine, do this:


sephill/bingo-cards documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:54 p.m.