Man pages for serenasignorelli/QueryWikidataR
Use the Query Wikidata service in R

get_projects_articlesGet list of articles on the various Wikimedia Foundation...
get_wikidataGet Wikidata items'content
get_wikipedia_articlesGet list of Wikipedia articles with languages
link_property_classLink the list of Wikidata items with their properties to the...
query_item_from_property_codeQuery Wikidata for an item associated with a property
query_location_1Query Wikidata using the administrative entity (1)
query_location_2Query Wikidata using a radius around the city (2)
query_location_3Query Wikidata using a box around the location (3)
query_location_property_1Query Wikidata for property using the administrative entity...
query_location_property_2Query Wikidata for property using a radius around the city...
query_location_property_3Query Wikidata using a box around the location (3)
query_property_classGet list of class from the identifier of the properties
read_item_from_property_codeThis function reads the list of items that has been...
read_items_listRead the list of items that have been queried
read_property_classRead the list of classes just queries from the...
read_property_identifierRead the list of properties with its identifier
read_property_listRead the list of properties related to items
serenasignorelli/QueryWikidataR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:58 p.m.