Set mapping variable as a string

gg$mapping <- aes_string(x = "Species", y = "Sepal.Length") [or]
  gg$mapping <- aes(x = !!sym("Species"), y = !!sym("Sepal.Width"))

Note: You must update gg$labels!!! See below

Get mapping variable as a string


Get aesthetics programmatically from a string

eval(parse(text=paste0(str_replace("geom-bar", "-", "_"), "()")))$geom$aesthetics()

Note that there are proto ggplot objects. So, can also use, for example, GeomBar$aesthetics().

How to set a mapping component

gg$mapping[["y"]] <- aes_string("y" = "Petal.Width")[["y"]]
gg$labels[["y"]] <- "Petal.Width"


gg$mapping[["y"]] <- aes_string("y" = "Petal.Width")[["y"]]
gg <- gg + labs("y" = "Petal.Width")

Adding a layer

gg <- gg + geom_point()

Accessing layers


Naming layers (match id of JS element)

names(gg$layers) <- c("layer1", "layer2")

Reordering layers


Ready Layer One

# Check to make sure layer is ready to render
readyLayerOne <- reactive({

# Check to make sure plot is ready to render
readyPlotOne <- reactive({
  # Grabbed from ggplot2::ggplot_build in plot_build.r
  plot <- values$gg
  layers <- plot$layers
  data <- plot$data
  facet <- plot$facet
  coord <- plot$coordinates
  plot_env <- plot$plot_env

  layer_data <- lapply(layers, function(y) y$layer_data(data))
  layout <- ggproto(NULL, Layout, facet = facet, coord = coord)

  # Apply function to layer and matching data
  by_layer <- function(f) {
    out <- vector("list", length(data))
    for (i in seq_along(data)) {
      out[[i]] <- f(l = layers[[i]], d = data[[i]])
  data <- layout$setup(layer_data, data, plot_env)
  data <- by_layer(function(l, d) l$compute_aesthetics(d, plot))
  data <- by_layer(function(l, d) l$compute_statistic(d, layout))
  data <- by_layer(function(l, d) l$map_statistic(d, plot))

  all(unlist(by_layer(function(l, d) length(setdiff(l$geom$required_aes, names(d))) == 0)))
  # Layers need to be a reactive value

  # purrr::walk(unique(unlist(aesthetics)), function(aes) {
  #   ui <- ""
  #   if (aes == 'x') {
  #   } else
  #     if (aes == 'alpha') {
  #       ui <- sliderInput(inputId = paste0(aes, '-slider'),
  #                         label = "",
  #                         min = 0,
  #                         max = 1,
  #                         value = 1)
  #     } else
  #       if (aes == 'size') {
  #         ui <- sliderInput(inputId = paste0(aes, '-slider'),
  #                           label = "",
  #                           min = 0.1,
  #                           max = 10,
  #                           step = 0.1,
  #                           value = 0.5)
  #       } else
  #         if (aes == 'colour') {
  #           ui <- colourpicker::colourInput(inputId = paste0(aes, '-colourpicker'),
  #                                           label = "",
  #                                           value = "black")
  #         } else
  #           if (aes == 'fill') {
  #             ui <- colourpicker::colourInput(inputId = paste0(aes, '-colourpicker'),
  #                                             label = "",
  #                                             value = "black")
  #           }
  #   output[[aes]] <<- renderUI({ui})
  # })

Grabbed from ggplot2::ggplot_build in plot_build.r

plot <- gg layers <- plot$layers data <- plot$data facet <- plot$facet coord <- plot$coordinates plot_env <- plot$plot_env

layer_data <- lapply(layers, function(y) y$layer_data(data)) layout <- ggproto(NULL, Layout, facet = facet, coord = coord)

Apply function to layer and matching data

by_layer <- function(f) { out <- vector("list", length(data)) for (i in seq_along(data)) { out[[i]] <- f(l = layers[[i]], d = data[[i]]) } out } data <- layout$setup(layer_data, data, plot_env) data <- by_layer(function(l, d) l$compute_aesthetics(d, plot)) data <- by_layer(function(l, d) l$compute_statistic(d, layout)) data <- by_layer(function(l, d) l$map_statistic(d, plot))

all(unlist(by_layer(function(l, d) length(setdiff(l$geom$required_aes, names(d))) == 0)))

serenity-r/serenity.viz documentation built on Dec. 29, 2020, 4:53 a.m.