Man pages for sergioventurini/mederrRank
Bayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication Errors

bayes.rankOptimal Bayesian Ranking
bhm.constr.resampMarkov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation (Step 2) of the Bayesian...
bhm.mcmcMarkov Chain Monte Carlo Estimation (Step 1) of the Bayesian...
bhm.resampleResampling Transformation for the Markov Chain Monte Carlo...
dmixnegbinomThe Negative Binomial Mixture Distribution
dnegbinomThe Negative Binomial Distribution
dstThe Skewed Student t Distribution
EBGMGeometric Mean of the Relative Risk Empirical Bayes Posterior...
llDiffDLog-Likelihood Difference for the delta_j Parameters
llDiffTLog-Likelihood Difference for the theta_i Parameters
logpNegative Log-Posterior Function of the Bayesian Hierarchical...
logunpostUnnormalized Marginal Posterior Distributions for k and eta
mederrData-classClass "mederrData". Data Specification for Identifying the...
mederrFit-classClass "mederrFit". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 1) for...
mederrRank-packageBayesian Methods for Identifying the Most Harmful Medication...
mederrResample-classClass "mederrResample". Simulated Monte Carlo Chains (Step 2)...
MEDMARXSubset of the MEDMARX Data
mixnegbinom.emExpectation-Maximization Algorithm for the Mixture of...
mixnegbinom.loglikLog-Likelihood Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial...
mixnegbinom.scoreLog-Likelihood Score Function for the Mixture of Negative...
negbinom.emExpectation-Maximization Algorithm for the Negative Binomial...
negbinom.loglikLog-Likelihood Function for the Mixture of Negative Binomial...
negbinom.scoreLog-Likelihood Score Function for the Negative Binomial...
plot-methodsPlot of Medication Error Data and Analysis
post.repPosterior Predictive Data Replications
p.valuePosterior Predictive Test statistics
rmixnegbinomThe Negative Binomial Mixture Distribution
simdataSimulated Data
summary-methodsSummary of Medication Error Data and Analysis
sergioventurini/mederrRank documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 12:40 a.m.