
Defines functions ntri

Documented in ntri

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#' @title Return Triangular Numbers
#' @description
#' Return the series of triangular (/triangle) numbers up to a number of
#' \code{n} rows of a triangle. The series has the entry number "A000217"
#' at \url{https://oeis.org/A000217} and starts like this:
#' 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, ...
#' @usage ntri(n)
#' @param n Positive integer value for sequence length.
#' @return
#' Returns an integer vector of length \code{n}.
#' @name ntri
#' @keywords triangle triangular number
#' @import Rcpp
#' @author Sven E. Templer (\email{sven.templer@@gmail.com})

#' @export ntri
ntri <- function(n) {
    .Call('miscset_ntri', PACKAGE = 'miscset', n)
setempler/miscset documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8 p.m.