Man pages for sethmcg/climod
Bias correction and other tools for climate model output

akdeThis is a wrapper for the 'akj' adaptive kernel density...
alignepochsAdjusts the values in a CF-compliant netCDF time coordinate...
as.matrix.listConverts a list to a matrix, padding vectors with NA to fit.
atsignOverloaded infix @ for attribute access
biascorrectBias correction of climate model output using KDDM.
chauvenetTrims extreme values from a vector that exceed Chauvenet's...
copyattsCopy all attributes from one variable to another
csliceClimatological slicing of dates
dedrizzleRemoves excess drizzle from model data.
denormalizeUndo the normalization of a vector of values
distmapConstruct a mapping between the distributions of two sets of...
lof1dTrims extreme values from a vector based on the local outlier...
megammaFind the maximum-entropy value of the gamma (shift) parameter...
mplotPlot multiple data series
namelistConstruct a list with automatic names
nc_historyAdds a date-stamped comment to a NetCDF file's "history"...
nc_ingestIngest all the variables in a netCDF file
normalizeReversibly normalize a vector of values
pdf2cdfIntegrate a PDF to get a CDF
pdfskillCalculates the overlap between two PDFs.
plot.distmapVisualize a distribution mapping as a q-q plot with overlaid...
predict.distmapApply a distribution mapping transfer function to data
ptrimTrims the top percentile of values from a vector.
quantile.distmapCalculates quantiles of one of the PDFs in a distmap object.
renestInvert the nesting of a list-of-lists
sliceClimatological slicing of timeseries
tailskillCalculates the difference between PDF tails.
unzeroRemove precipitation zeros by setting them to NA
yearlengthYear length associated with a model calendar
sethmcg/climod documentation built on Nov. 19, 2021, 11:12 p.m.