
An R package to scrape Reddit commenters and their basic user info before assigning them to an experimental condition.


As part of a series of online field experiments I needed to be able to collect samples of redditors and assign them to various treatment conditions. The easiest and cheapest way to do so is to collect the commenters on popular posts in various subreddits. This package provides a few functions to interface with the Reddit API in R and pull down a set of popular posts from a set of subreddits, identify the commenters, and generate a table of their user account information.


# install.packages("devtools")

Set Up

To set up Reddit Randomizer you will need to create your own Reddit web app. The guide provided by the Reddit Archive provides you with the necessary information to get started. It is important to note that a Reddit web app expires after one hour. When this happens any API queries will return 401 errors. An easy fix when this happens is to change the name of your app, update via the /prefs/apps page on your Reddit account, and then rerun the code below.

Once you make the app you need to create an access token using the httr library.

# 1. Find OAuth settings for reddit:
reddit <- oauth_endpoint(
  authorize = "",
  access =    ""

# 2. Register an application at
app <- oauth_app("############", secret = "##################", 
                 key = "##############", 
                 redirect_uri = "http://localhost:1410/")

# 3. Get OAuth credentials
token <- oauth2.0_token(reddit, app,
                        scope = c("read", "history"),
                        use_basic_auth = TRUE,
                        config_init = user_agent("MY_USER_AGENT"))

Getting Threads

In order to collect Reddit commenters, you first need to collect threads for the API to pull from. We do this by identifying a set of target subreddits and scraping the links of the most popular subreddits over the last 24 hours. Doing so helps to ensure that the threads that are collected will have comments.

subreddits <- c("politics", "sports")
links <-, lapply(subreddits, getRecentThreads))

We can also collect new threads, but these may not have many comments (if there are any).

subreddits <- c("politics", "sports")
links <-, lapply(subreddits, getRecentThreadsNew))

If you have specific threads in mind and do not want to perform a general collection, you need to create a vector of the thread urls beginning with the /r/.

links <- c("/r/politics/comments/8w1me0/record_number_of_native_americans_running_for/", 

Getting Commenter IDs

In order to conduct an online field experiment we need to identify the units who will be assigned to the various experimental conditions. One possibility is to assign individual users to treatment conditions. Given a vector of Reddit threads, as shown above, we can scrape the top-level commenters for each thread, giving us a sample of active Reddit users to treat.

commenters <-, lapply(links, getCommenters))
commenters <- unique(commenters)

If you already know the commenters you want to assign treatment to, then just store them in a vector.

commenters <- c("awildsketchappeared", "shitty_watercolour")

Getting Commenter Information

It may be helpful for you to collect basic account information such as creation date and the amount of karma accrued before administering treatment. That can be done by passing a the vector of account names to getUserInfo(). The function returns a data frame with the account name, creation date in UTC, link (post) karma, comment karma, whether or not an account has Reddit gold, whether or not an account is a moderator, whether or not an account is verified, whether or not an account has a verified email, the number of comments (up to 100), and the number of submissions (up to 100). As a note, my tests have found that the API can reliably process about 2,500 accounts inside the one hour window an app is appoved for.

commentersInfo <-, lapply(commenters, getUserInfo))
commentersInfo$createdDate <- as.POSIXct(commenters$created, origin = "1970-01-01")

Getting Comment IDs

Another possible unit of treatment are individual comments, as these can be upvoted or gilded easily. Given the same vector of Reddit threads that we used to collect a set of commenters, we can also create a data frame of comments that has columns for the comment author, subreddit, thread, comment id, creation time in UTC, text, number of direct replies, upvotes received, down votes received, post score, ability-to-be-gilded status, and gilded status.

comments <-, lapply(links, getComments))
comments$createdDate <- as.POSIXct(comments$created, origin = "1970-01-01")

Treatment Assignment

Finally, since the Reddit platform allows for a variety of interventions, you can randomly assign subjects to any number of treatment conditions at any given ratio between groups.

commentersInfo$Condition <- randomizeToTreatment(nrow(commentersInfo), c("Control", "Upvotes", "Reddit Gold"), c(0.5, 0.25, 0.25)

For our comments data frame we would have:

comments$Condition <- randomizeToTreatment(nrow(comments), c("Control", "Upvote", "Gold"))

Administering Treatment

With treatment randomly assigned, we can go about actually administering treatment. In the case of simple Reddit field experiments, this likely means either upvoting or gilding users, posts, or comments. We can gild posts or comments using the giveGold() function. This function returns the status report from the Reddit API. A status of 200 indicates that treatment was successful.

gildedComments <- comments %>% filter(Condition == "Gold" & gilded == FALSE)
for(i in 1:nrow(gildedComments)) {

sf585978/RedditRandomizer documentation built on May 3, 2019, 10:44 p.m.