Man pages for sfirke/janitor
Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data

add_totals_colAppend a totals column to a data.frame.
add_totals_rowAppend a totals row to a data.frame.
adorn_crosstabAdd presentation formatting to a crosstabulation table.
adorn_nsAdd underlying Ns to a tabyl displaying percentages.
adorn_pct_formattingFormat a 'data.frame' of decimals as percentages.
adorn_percentagesConvert a data.frame of counts to percentages.
adorn_roundingRound the numeric columns in a data.frame.
adorn_titleAdd column name to the top of a two-way tabyl.
adorn_totalsAppend a totals row and/or column to a data.frame
as_tabylAdd 'tabyl' attributes to a data.frame
chisq.testApply 'stats::chisq.test()' to a two-way tabyl
clean_namesCleans names of an object (usually a data.frame).
compare_df_colsCompare data frames columns before merging
compare_df_cols_sameDo the the data.frames have the same columns & types?
convert_to_dateParse dates from many formats
convert_to_NAConvert string values to true 'NA' values.
crosstabGenerate a crosstabulation of two vectors.
describe_classDescribe the class(es) of an object
excel_numeric_to_dateConvert dates encoded as serial numbers to Date class.
excel_time_to_numericConvert a time that may be inconsistently or inconveniently...
find_headerFind the header row in a data.frame
fisher.testApply 'stats::fisher.test()' to a two-way tabyl
get_dupesGet rows of a 'data.frame' with identical values for the...
get_one_to_oneFind the list of columns that have a 1:1 mapping to each...
janitor_deprecatedDeprecated Functions in Package janitor
janitor-packagejanitor: Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data
make_clean_namesCleans a vector of text, typically containing the names of an...
mu_to_uConstant to help map from mu to u
paste_skip_naLike 'paste()', but missing values are omitted
pipePipe operator
remove_constantRemove constant columns from a data.frame or matrix.
remove_emptyRemove empty rows and/or columns from a data.frame or matrix.
remove_empty_colsRemoves empty columns from a data.frame.
remove_empty_rowsRemoves empty rows from a data.frame.
round_half_upRound a numeric vector; halves will be rounded up, ala...
round_to_fractionRound to the nearest fraction of a specified denominator.
row_to_namesElevate a row to be the column names of a data.frame.
sas_numeric_to_dateConvert a SAS date, time or date/time to an R object
signif_half_upRound a numeric vector to the specified number of significant...
single_valueEnsure that a vector has only a single value throughout.
tabylGenerate a frequency table (1-, 2-, or 3-way).
top_levelsGenerate a frequency table of a factor grouped into top-n,...
untabylRemove 'tabyl' attributes from a data.frame.
use_first_valid_ofReturns first non-'NA' value from a set of vectors.
sfirke/janitor documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 1:54 p.m.