Man pages for sgezan/Nothopack
G&Y Forest Simulator for Roble-Rauli-Coigue Stands in Chile

AIDBH_moduleProjects individual annual increment in DBH for Nothofagus...
BA99modulePredicts and/or projects stand basal area for other species
BAmodulePredicts and/or projects stand Basal Area (BA) from...
BANmodulePredicts and/or projects stand basal area for Nothofagus...
comp_moduleGeneral compatibility module between tree-level and...
core_moduleModule that coordinates the communication between the...
diam_distGenerates the diameter distribution for a given Nothofagus...
get_domspDetermines the dominant specie of a Nothofagus stand
get_percentileCalculates percentiles for DBH based on vectors of DBH and N
get_siteCalculates missing stand-level variable from the set: AD, HD,...
get_standCalculates missing stand-level variable from the set: N, BA,...
get_taperCalculates stem diameter or height based on taper equation...
gof_statsCalculates goodness-of-fit statistics
height_paramEstimates total individual tree height in function of its DBH...
input_moduleModule that process initial input information for future...
NHAmoduleProjects number of trees (N) from stand-level parameters to...
recruit_moduleIncorporates new young trees (ingrowth/recruitment) to a...
stand_parametersInventory processing by calculating stand-level parameter...
stand_simulatorSimulates plot at the whole stand-level for the next period
thin_moduleExecutes thinning for a plot according to given stand- or...
tree_covariatesObtains/calculates stand- and tree-level covariates that feed...
tree.htEstimates the missing total height of trees from a given plot
tree_simulatorSimulates individual-tree growth in diameter (DBH) and...
VmoduleEstimates stand-level volume based on stand-level parameters
Vmodule_individualEstimates individual-tree volume inside bark based on taper...
VPRODmoduleCalculates tree volume (inside bark) based on taper equations...
sgezan/Nothopack documentation built on April 25, 2021, 8:03 a.m.