
#' Morphological linear measurements for Equus (sub-)species, 3rd metacarpal. 
#' @description Example dataset for the package 'MorphoInd'.
#' @format A list of matrices.
#' @details Each matrix contains summary statistics for a sample of individuals. In this case each sample is a different species of Equus. In matrices, columns represent linear measurements on the third metacarpal bone, and rows are 1) sample size ("N"), 2) measurement average ("Mean"), and 3) measurement standard deviation ("St-Dev").
#' @source Eisenmann, V. (1979). Les metapodes d'Equus sensu lato (Mammalia, Perissodactyla). Geobios.

sginot/MorphoInd documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 1:32 a.m.