Man pages for shabbychef/PDQutils
PDQ Functions via Gram Charlier, Edgeworth, and Cornish Fisher Approximations

AS269Higher order Cornish Fisher approximation.
cumulant2momentConvert raw cumulants to moments.
dapx_edgeworthApproximate density and distribution via Edgeworth expansion.
dapx_gcaApproximate density and distribution via Gram-Charlier A...
moment2cumulantConvert moments to raw cumulants.
NEWSNews for package 'PDQutils':
PDQutilsPDQ Functions via Gram Charlier, Edgeworth, and Cornish...
qapx_cfApproximate quantile via Cornish-Fisher expansion.
rapx_cfApproximate random generation via Cornish-Fisher expansion.
shabbychef/PDQutils documentation built on April 3, 2021, 2:06 p.m.