Man pages for shanRpackage/pprincrt
Bayesian Power Prior Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials

anidataAn example data to demonstrate AniPlot() function
AniPlotAnimation Plot
cdataFirst dose HPV vaccine uptake in current trial
cmodelBUGSBayesian mixed model analysis of current trial data
cmodelfileGenerate current model BUGS file
hdataFirst dose HPV vaccine uptake in historical trial
hmodelBUGSBayesian general linear regression analysis of current trial...
hmodelfileGenerate historical model BUGS file
pprincrtpprincrt: A Package for Design and Analysis of Cluster...
pprmodelBUGSpower prior method analysis
pprmodelfileGenerate power prior method BUGS file
print.pprModprint pprMod object, returned by pprmodelBUGS function
SimPowerpower in designing a new cluster randomized trial with the...
SimRejrejection decision of null treatment effect
shanRpackage/pprincrt documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:11 p.m.