Man pages for shawnlinxl/ptdash
Personal Trader Dashboard

calc_NAVCalculate Fund NAV from Ticker NAV Info
calc_return_seriesUse stock holdings and price data to find daily return on...
calc_summarycalculate performance summary
calc_total_returncalculate the cumulative return from daily or monthly returns
df_to_xtsConvert Dataframe with 'Date" column to an xts
format_yahooProcess yahoo finance csv to conform to other price...
log_tradeLog the trade to trade log
plot_allocationPlot Asset Allocation by Ticker
plot_asset_returnPlot each individual's total return since inception
plot_NAVPlot net asset value of the fund
plot_vamiPlot cumulative return of the fund
set_pkg_optionsSet or get options for my package
update_benchmarkGet benchmark prcie data
update_price_infoCreate a daily return series.
shawnlinxl/ptdash documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:45 a.m.