Man pages for shearer/simboot
Simultaneous Inference for Diversity Indices

ashtInternal function for simultaneous asymptotic intervals
BacteriaRelative Abundances of Soil Bacteria
BoutrpInternal function
CCdrpInternal function
contrMatContrast Matrices
corrmatgenInternal function.
estShannonEstimator for Shannon's index
estShannonfEstimator for Shannon's index odered by a factorial variable...
estShannonWYEstimator for Shannon's index row wise.
estSimpsonEstimator for Simpson's index
estSimpsonfEstimator for Simpson's index odered by a factorial variable...
estThetaRowInternal function
mcpHillMultiplicity-adjusted p-values for comparing biodiversity via...
predatGMAbundance data of predatory insects
rphtInternal function for simultaneous bayesian bootstrap...
saproDipGMAbundance data of Diptera with saprophagous larvae
sbdivPerform simultaneous confidence intervals or adjusted...
SCIrpInternal function
simbootSimultaneous inference for diversity indices.
SimpsonInternal function for Simpson estimator
tshtInternal function for simultaenous bootstrap intervals
waldciInternal function for Wald intervals
WYhtInternal function for simultaneous bootstrap confidence...
shearer/simboot documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 6:58 a.m.