Man pages for shinjaehyeok/SGLRT_paper
Sequential Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for sub-psi Family Distributions

const_boundaryConstant boundary value given a boundary crossing probability...
const_boundary_csConstant boundary value given a boundary crossing probability...
const_boundary_lordenConstant boundary value given a boundary crossing probability...
cross_probUpper bound on the boundary crossing probability for the...
cross_prob_csUpper bound on the boundary crossing probability for...
cross_prob_cs_searchGrid-searching the upper bound on the boundary crossing...
cross_prob_lordenUpper bound on the boundary crossing probability by using...
cross_prob_searchGrid-searching the upper bound on the boundary crossing...
cross_prob_search2Upper bound on the boundary crossing probability by using a...
cross_prob_varyingCalculate the upper bound on the boundary crossing...
cross_prob_varying_searchCalculate the upper bound on the boundary crossing...
generate_sub_ber_fnPre-defined Bregman divergence functions for sub-Bernulli...
generate_sub_Gaussian_fnPre-defined psi^* and Bregman divergence functions for...
SGLR_CIGLR-like and Discrete Mixture CS for general sub-psi class
SGLR_CI_additiveGLR-like, Stitching and Discrete Mixture CS for additive...
test_simul'test_simul' is used to conduct a simulation which compare...
shinjaehyeok/SGLRT_paper documentation built on Oct. 25, 2020, 8:11 a.m.