Man pages for shoebodh/hydrusR
Utility package to run HYDRUS-1D and analyse results

call.H1DExecutes H1D_CALC.EXE from Hydrus 1D directory
create.H1D.projectCreates a new hydrus project folder with "HYDRUS1D.DAT" and...
create.soil.profileCreates a new PROFILE.DAT file using a template included in...
dir.copyCopy contents of a folder to another
et.hourlyGenerates hourly ET inputs from provided daily value.
format2sciFormat number to scientific format according to HYDRUS inputs
get.water.tableExtracts water table depth at each time step
join.output.filesJoin the output files from several H1D simulations (for...
model.evalCalculate RMSE and Nash-Sutcliffe CEFF of the simulation
read.alevel.outRead outputs of ALEVEL.OUT
read.nod_infREAD outputs of NOD_INF.OUT
read.obs_nodeRead observation point outputs
read.tlevel.outREAD outputs of TLEVEL.OUT
run.H1D.simulationThis is the main simulation function
write.atmosph.inWrite atmospheric boundary condition inputs
write.bottom.bcWrite bottom Boundary Condition
write.hydraulic.paraWrite soil hydraulic parameters to
write.ini.condWrite root distribution in profile.dat
write.obs.nodesWrite observation nodes in profile.dat
write.print.timesWrite print times in SELECTOR.IN
write.root.distWrite root distribution in profile.dat
shoebodh/hydrusR documentation built on April 17, 2020, 12:52 p.m.