Man pages for shutinet/metabSeek
Search in several databases metabolites masses or spectras

adducts_dfAdduct list
build_dbBuild database
cbind_forcedBind columns of two dataframes or matrices
check_argsCheck R expression(s)
check_casTest validity of CAS
check_inchikeyTest validity of InChIKey(s)
check_inputsCheck shiny inputs
format_dbFormat dataframe of compounds from a database
format_formulaFormat chemical formulas
format_inchikeyFormat InChIKeys
format_intFormat integers
format_textFormat text
get_basepeak_massGet basepeak m/z
get_CHEBI_dbGet the ChEBI database
get_mass_rangeGet mass error range
grapes-not-in-grapesIs variable not in a vector?
havingIPTest internet connection
hit_mzsSearch correspondance between m/z measured & the database
isotopes_dfStable isotopes
launch_appLaunch the shiny app
mzs_to_massconvert charged m/z to neutral mass
na_row_omitRemove row with NA
shiny_errorShow error message
shiny_validShow a validation message
try_itCustom trycatch block
shutinet/metabSeek documentation built on Sept. 5, 2020, 12:57 a.m.