Man pages for sib-swiss/dsSwissKnife
DataSHIELD Tools and Utilities - server side

dot-cleanupremoves objects from the current workspace
dot-decode.argDecode from base64 and deserialize from json if necessary
dot-deidentify: Remove potentially disclosive information
dot-initInitialize the environment
dot-kde2dTwo-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimation From package MASS
dot-lock.unlocklocks or unlocks bindings in environments
dot-ls.allreturns all objects in all environments
dot-predictPredict classification of new patients using the forests of... From package MASS
forestDSSConstruct of a random forest based on training set 'df'.
linregDSSReturns the quantities shared to the client to performed...
partColMeansreturns colmeans for this dataset
partCovcalculates the matrix of sums of products of distance to the...
partialDataexecute data() in the server session
partRangereturns the minimum and maximum of a numeric vector or...
safeSubsetsubset a dataframe
showInfoShow the levels for all factors in a dataframe
showLevelsShow the levels in a factor
suggestPivotFormulaTry to find an appropriate formula to pass to reshape2::dcast
tfNNFitreturns the weights of a neural network model trained on...
widenDSSCreate a wide data.frame using reshape2::dcast
sib-swiss/dsSwissKnife documentation built on Feb. 11, 2025, 11:09 p.m.