dot-init: Initialize the environment

.initR Documentation

Initialize the environment


Set a number of defaults for some of the functions. These are:

1) hidden.fields - fields that must show no information (patient identifiers for instance)

2) allowed.functions - supplementary functions allowed in dssDeriveColumn (see the documentation for that function)

3) join.pivot.col - the default column to join (or pivot) by. In the absence of this default the 'by.col' argument in dssJoin and dssPivot becomes mandatory

4) forbidden.options - a number of opal administrative options that are not allowed to be changed by dssSetOption

In order to set/modify any of these options the node administrator must create an .Rprofile file in the rserver conf directory (normally /var/lib/rserver/conf) and populate it with the necessary R commands to set the above options (see example). Then the following line must be added to the file /var/lib/rserver/conf/Rserv.conf:

source /var/lib/rserver/conf/.Rprofile




# content of the /var/lib/rserver/conf/.Rprofile file that adds as.POSIXct among
# the allowed functions in dssDeriveColumn:

sib-swiss/dsSwissKnife documentation built on Feb. 11, 2025, 11:09 p.m.