
Defines functions rs_create_table

Documented in rs_create_table

#' Create a table from scratch, guessing the table schema
#' @param df a data frame
#' @param dbcon an RPostgres/RJDBC connection to the redshift server
#' @param table_name the name of the table to create
#' @param split_files optional parameter to specify amount of files to split into. If not specified will look at amount of slices in Redshift to determine an optimal amount.
#' @param bucket the name of the temporary bucket to load the data. Will look for AWS_BUCKET_NAME on environment if not specified.
#' @param region the region of the bucket. Will look for AWS_DEFAULT_REGION on environment if not specified.
#' @param access_key the access key with permissions for the bucket. Will look for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID on environment if not specified.
#' @param secret_key the secret key with permissions fot the bucket. Will look for AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY on environment if not specified.
#' @param session_token the session key with permissions for the bucket, this will be used instead of the access/secret keys if specified. Will look for AWS_SESSION_TOKEN on environment if not specified.
#' @param iam_role_arn an iam role arn with permissions fot the bucket. Will look for AWS_IAM_ROLE_ARN on environment if not specified. This is ignoring access_key and secret_key if set.
#' @param wlm_slots amount of WLM slots to use for this bulk load http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/tutorial-configuring-workload-management.html
#' @param sortkeys Column or columns to sort the table by
#' @param sortkey_style Sortkey style, can be compound or interleaved http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/t_Sorting_data-compare-sort-styles.html
#' @param distkey Distkey column, can only be one, if chosen the table is distributed among clusters according to a hash of this column's value.
#' @param distkey_style Distkey style, can be even or all, for the key distribution use the distkey parameter. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/t_Distributing_data.html
#' @param compression Add encoding for columns whose compression algorithm is easy to guess, for the rest you should upload it to Redshift and run ANALYZE COMPRESSION
#' @param additional_params Additional params to send to the COPY statement in Redshift
#' @examples
#' library(DBI)
#' a=data.frame(a=seq(1,10000), b=seq(10000,1))
#' con <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname="dbname",
#' host='my-redshift-url.amazon.com', port='5439',
#' user='myuser', password='mypassword',sslmode='require')
#' rs_create_table(df=a, dbcon=con, table_name='testTable',
#' bucket="my-bucket", split_files=4)
#' }
#' @export
rs_create_table = function(

  message('Initiating Redshift table creation for table ',table_name)

  tableSchema = rs_create_statement(df, table_name = table_name, sortkeys=sortkeys,
  sortkey_style = sortkey_style, distkey=distkey, distkey_style = distkey_style,
  compression = compression)

  queryStmt(dbcon, tableSchema)

  return(rs_replace_table(df, dbcon, table_name, split_files, bucket, region, access_key, secret_key, session_token, iam_role_arn, wlm_slots, additional_params))

sicarul/redshiftTools documentation built on July 23, 2021, 2:59 a.m.