  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


In order to use this package, install it and load the library with: library("EOQd")

Description [package]

This package implements functions suitable to solve problems of deterministic inventory with and without quantity discounts. It includes the next functions:

EOQ(l, k, I, C)

Description [function EOQ]

This function implements the basic deterministic EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) model.

Assumptions for the EOQ model



A list containing:



l <- 520  # Demand
k <- 10   # Preparation cost
I <- 0.2  # Storage cost per article
C <- 5    # Cost of goods per item

res1 <- EOQ(l = l, k = k, I = I, C = C)

EOQd(l, k, I, q, dis, c)

Description [function EOQd]

This function provides an EOQ with discounts where the units purchased have the same reduction in price.



A list containing:


dis <- c(0, 0.05, 0.1) # Disccounts: 5% and 10%
l <- 520 # Demand (per unit of time).
k <- 10  # Preparation cost (per order).
I <- 0.2 # Storage cost (per article).
q <- c(0, 110, 150) # 5% when the quantity is greater than 110 and less than 150. For more than 150 units the discoun is 10%
c <- 5 # Original price of the product
res2 <- EOQd(dis = dis, l = l, k = k, I = I, q = q, c = 5)

Real example

A company needs 500 chairs every month to sell in their online store that costs 15€ each. The supplier negotiates with the company that if they buy more than 50 chairs they offer them a 25% disccount and if they buy more than 100 they offer them a 50% disccount. Making an order costs 10€ and the storage cost is estimated to be 2€ per chair.

We have that:

dis <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5)
q <- c(0, 50, 100)
l <- 500
k <- 10
I <- 2
c <- 15

opt <- EOQd(dis = dis, l = l, k = k, I = I, q = q, c = c)

On each order the company should buy 1000 chairs. Cycle length of 6 days (0.2 months) and 5 orders every month.

EOQpd(l, k, I, q, c)

Description [function EOQpd]

This function provides an EOQ with discounts where the discount occurs for units purchased when a certain amount is reached. When the amount of order increases, the cost price decreases in the additional units ordered, not in all units.



A list containing: + Q: Optimal order quantity. + Z: Total cost. + T: Cycle length. + N: Number of orders.


l <- 50000
k <- 10
I <- 0.25
c <- c(0.6, 0.55)
q <- c(0, 1000)

res3 <- EOQpd(l = 50000, k = 10, I = 0.25, c = c, q = q)

Real example

An university needs to buy 5000 markers every year, with a cost per order of 15€ and there is an estimated storage cost of 0.2€. The provider has the following policy: if the customer buys less than 500 markers, the cost per item is 0.75€, if the customer buys more than 500 units, the cost per item is 0.5€. We need to determine the optimal policy

l <- 5000
k <- 15
I <- 0.2
c <- c(0.75, 0.5)
q <- c(0, 500)

res3 <- EOQpd(l = l, k = k, I = I, c = c, q = q)

The optimal policy is buy 1000 markers five times. Buying 1000 markers (approximately) two months and a half (5 orders in 12 months).


Description [function plot.EOQ]

S3 method to plot a EOQ object by using the generic plot function.



A plot with classical EOQ representation.




Maintainer: José Carlos Soage González (

sidoruvigo/EOQd documentation built on May 16, 2019, 11:13 p.m.