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gpagespeed is a package designed to facilitate utilization of the Google PageSpeed Insights API. The PageSpeed Insights API provides insight into how Google's bots evaluate a given page, and the factors that web developers may wish to consider in building pages that will render faster. See Google's documentation on the PageSpeed Insights API to learn more about what the API offers as well as practical examples of its usage.

The PageSpeed Insights API returns a numeric summary of the results of each page, as well as recommendations in text format. Currently, this package is designed to support only retrieving the numeric summary, which includes the overall speed score as well as metrics pertaining to the number of file requests and sizes in kilobytes of images, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The package offers two functions: speedfinder and speedlist. These functions are documented below.

Functions in gpagespeed

speedfinder The speedfinder function returns a dataframe with a single observation and columns of numeric data as its response. It accepts three arguments:

speedlist The speedlist function is like the speedfinder function, but allows processing of many URLs and returns a dataframe in which each observation corresponds to a unique URL. Like speedfinder, it accepts three arguments:

Example Usage

Below are examples of how the speedfinder and speedlist functions could be called in an R script.

# Get speed metrics for a single URL and assign it to a data frame
df1 <- speedfinder("", "mobile", "atextkeyigotfromgoogle111")

# Get speed metrics for a list of URLs and have it all returned in a single data frame
df2 <- speedlist(c("", "", ""), 

simitpatel/gpagespeed documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:01 p.m.