An Extension of googledrive for the Reed College mLab

This is a quick extension to Jenny Bryan's googledrive package to allow for grabbing data from Google Drive and returning it as an R object without saving the object to the user's local file system. This is meant to allow for several people to work with the same data without having to deal with downloading files, changing filepaths, and getwd() fussiness.

This code can be used to load the package:


The new function, grab_data, can be used like this:

grab_data(url = "",
          filetype = "Sheet")
grab_data(url = "",
          filetype = "Sheet")

There is a lot of googledrive (and other tidyverse) functionality lost when using this function---this should only be used for basic table loading.

Simon Couch

simonpcouch/googledriveplus documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 8:55 a.m.