knitr::knit_hooks$set(GPs=function(before, options, envir){ if (before){ cex=1.5 par(mgp=c(1.7,.7,0), lwd=1.5, lend=2, cex.lab=0.8*cex, cex.axis=0.8*cex, cex.main=1*cex, mar=c(2.8,2.8,1.8,.2), bty='l', oma=c(0,0,2,0))} }) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 4, GPs=TRUE, cache=TRUE) path = Sys.getenv('PATH') path = Sys.setenv('PATH'=paste(path, '/home/rstudio/.local/bin', sep=':')) set.seed(555)
I use the directions here to create an AMI to run Rstudio on.
The Welcome.R
script in the NIsim package has code to setup this machine image with Dropbox access to the files.
# install the latest versions of the packages to perform these analyses. devtools::install_github('simonvandekar/pbj', ref='ftest') #devtools::install_github('simonvandekar/NIsim') ### LIBRARIES ### library(RNifti) library(parallel) library(splines) library(mmand) library(fslr) library(progress) library(abind) library(pbj) library(PDQutils) library(NIsim) ### LOAD IN DATA FROM DROPBOX ### dbimagedir = '~/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/alff' dbresimagedir = '~/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/alff_res' maskfile = '~/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/n1035_mask.nii.gz' templatefile = '~/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/MNI152_T1_3mm.nii.gz' #dbimagedir = '~/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/alff_cropped/' #dbresimagedir = '~/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/alff_cropped_res/' #maskfile = '~/pbj/data/abide/neuroimaging/cpac/cropped_n1035_mask.nii.gz' dbdatafile = '~/pbj/data/abide/demographic/n1035_phenotypic_20190509.rds' # load in data and get directories dat = readRDS(dbdatafile) dat$imgname = paste(dat$file_id, 'alff.nii.gz', sep='_') dat$files = file.path(dbimagedir, dat$imgname) ### SIMULATION PARAMETERS ### simConfig = list( # vector of sample sizes to simulate ns = 25 * 2^(0:5), # number of simulations to run nsim=10000, # cluster forming thresholds cfts.s = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.4), cfts.p = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001), # radius for spheres of signal. rs=c(8), #### MODEL FORMULAS FOR SIMULATIONS #### formres = paste0(" ~ dx_group + sex + ns(func_mean_fd, df=10) + ns(age_at_scan, df=10)" ), # need age_at_scan in both models for testing nonlinear functions form = paste0(" ~ sex + func_mean_fd + dx_group + age_at_scan" ), formred = paste0(" ~ sex + func_mean_fd + dx_group"), # weights for each subject. Can be a character vector W = c("func_mean_fd"), # where to put residuals resdir = dbresimagedir, # where to output results simdir = '~/temp', dat = dat, mask = maskfile, output = '~/pbj/pbj_ftest/EST.rdata', ncores = 24, method='bootstrap' ) simConfig$betas = rep(0, length(simConfig$rs))
simFunc = function(lmfull, lmred, mask, data){ HC3RobustStatmap = lmPBJ(data$images, form=lmfull, formred=lmred, mask=mask, data=data, transform = 'none', HC3 = TRUE ) # t transform, classical, estimate covariance tStatmap = lmPBJ(data$images, form=lmfull, formred=lmred, mask=mask, data=data, transform = 't', robust=FALSE, HC3=TRUE) out = list('tStatmap' = tStatmap$stat, 'HC3RobustStatmap'=HC3RobustStatmap$stat) gc() return(out) } #simdirs = simSetup(simConfig$dat$files, data=simConfig$dat, outdir=simConfig$simdir, nsim=simConfig$nsim, #ns=simConfig$ns, mask=simConfig$mask, rs=simConfig$rs, betas=simConfig$betas ) #simtime = system.time(test <- simFunc(simConfig$form, simConfig$formred, simConfig$mask, readRDS(file.path(simdirs$simdir[200], 'data.rds')), 2, cfts.p = simConfig$cfts.p)) #stop('not an error.') #simFunc(simConfig$form, simConfig$formred, simConfig$mask, readRDS(file.path(simdirs$simdir[200], 'data.rds')))
### SETUP THE SIMULATION ANALYSIS ### # subsets dataset to all people who have the variables simConfig$dat = simConfig$dat[apply(!$dat[ ,c(all.vars(as.formula(simConfig$formres)), simConfig$W)]), 1, all), ] # # Create residualized images # if(class(simConfig$formres)=='formula' | is.character(simConfig$formres)){ # simConfig$dat$rfiles = file.path(simConfig$resdir, basename(simConfig$dat$files)) # if(!all(file.exists(simConfig$dat$rfiles))){ # pbj::residualizeImages(files=simConfig$dat$files, dat=simConfig$dat, mask=simConfig$mask, form=as.formula(simConfig$formres), outfiles=simConfig$dat$rfiles, mc.cores=simConfig$ncores) # } # simConfig$dat$files = simConfig$dat$rfiles # # clean up. May not be necessary # gc() # } simdirs = simSetup(simConfig$dat$files, data=simConfig$dat, outdir=simConfig$simdir, nsim=simConfig$nsim, ns=simConfig$ns, mask=simConfig$mask, rs=simConfig$rs, betas=simConfig$betas ) #time = system.time(test <- simFunc(simConfig$form, simConfig$formred, simConfig$mask, readRDS(file.path(simdirs$simdir[10], 'data.rds')), simConfig$nboot, simConfig$cfts.s) ) # mix this up so that large sample simulations aren't all dropped on one "thread". simdirs = simdirs[sample(1:nrow(simdirs)),] results = runSim(simdirs$simdir, method=simConfig$method, simfunc = simFunc, mask = simConfig$mask, simfuncArgs = list( lmfull= simConfig$form, lmred = simConfig$formred, mask = simConfig$mask), ncores = simConfig$ncores) dir.create(dirname(simConfig$output), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) # clean up files save.image(file=simConfig$output) unlink(list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE)) gc() stop('not an error. Finished simulations.')
# also sets up the data frame with the output slice = 30 cex = 1.5 # initialize output for loop blankimg = mask = readNifti(maskfile) blankimg[,,] = 0 template = readNifti(templatefile) npns = c(length(simConfig$cfts.p), length(simConfig$cfts.s)) allimgout = data.frame(method=rep(c('p-value', 'S value'), npns * length(simConfig$ns)), n=rep(simConfig$ns, sum(npns)), value = c(rep(simConfig$cfts.p, each=length(simConfig$ns)), rep(simConfig$cfts.s, each=length(simConfig$ns))), power=NA, mean=NA) load(simConfig$output) simdirs$results = results for(rowInd in 1:nrow(allimgout)){ cat(rowInd, '\n') n = allimgout[rowInd, 'n'] method = allimgout[rowInd, 'method'] value = allimgout[rowInd, 'value'] design = pbj::getDesign(simConfig$form, simConfig$formred, data=simConfig$dat) if(method=='p-value'){ chisqValue = qchisq(value, df=design$df, lower.tail=FALSE) } else { #chisqValue = value^2*(n-ncol(design$X)) + design$df chisqValue = value^2*(n) + design$df } # Tstatmap blankimg[ mask==1] = rowMeans(simplify2array(lapply(simdirs$results[simdirs$n==n], function(x) x$tStatmap ))>=chisqValue) allimgout$tStatmapPower[rowInd] = list(blankimg) blankimg[,,] = 0 temp = simplify2array(lapply(simdirs$results[simdirs$n==n], function(x) x$tStatmap )) temp[ is.infinite(temp)] = max(temp[is.finite(temp)]) blankimg[ mask==1] = rowMeans(temp) allimgout$tStatmapMean[rowInd] = list(blankimg) rm(temp) image(blankimg, template, thresh=chisqValue, index=slice, cex=cex*0.7) title(paste(method, '=', value, ', n', '=', n, ', T-stat')) # Robust statmap blankimg[,,] = 0 blankimg[ mask==1] = rowMeans(simplify2array(lapply(simdirs$results[simdirs$n==n], function(x) x$HC3RobustStatmap ))>=chisqValue) allimgout$robustStatmapPower[rowInd] = list(blankimg) blankimg[,,] = 0 temp = simplify2array(lapply(simdirs$results[simdirs$n==n], function(x) x$HC3RobustStatmap )) temp[ is.infinite(temp)] = max(temp[is.finite(temp)]) blankimg[ mask==1] = rowMeans(temp) allimgout$robustStatmapMean[rowInd] = list(blankimg) rm(temp) } sapply(allimgout[ allimgout$value==0.25, 'robustStatmapMean'], function(x){x = x[,,30]; mask=mask[,,30]; quantile(x[ mask==1]) } ) 0.25^2*(simConfig$ns-ncol(design$X)) + design$df
subimgout = allimgout[(allimgout$method=='p-value' & allimgout$value==0.001) | (allimgout$method=='S value' & allimgout$value==0.25),] # graphical parameters par(mgp=c(1.7,.7,0), lwd=1.5, lend=2, cex.lab=0.8*cex, cex.axis=0.8*cex, cex.main=1*cex, mar=c(0.5,0.5,3,.5), bty='l', oma=c(0,0,2,0)) layout(matrix(1:12, nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)) for(rowInd in 1:nrow(subimgout)){ cat(rowInd, '\n') n = subimgout[rowInd, 'n'] method = subimgout[rowInd, 'method'] value = subimgout[rowInd, 'value'] design = pbj::getDesign(simConfig$form, simConfig$formred, data=simConfig$dat) if(method=='p-value'){ chisqValue = qchisq(value, df=design$df, lower.tail=FALSE) } else { #chisqValue = value^2*(n-ncol(design$X)) + design$df chisqValue = value^2*(n) + design$df } blankimg = subimgout$robustStatmapMean[[rowInd]] image(blankimg, template, thresh=chisqValue, index=slice, cex=cex*0.7) title(paste0(method, '=', value, ', n=', n, ',\nZ-stat')) } mtext
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