Hello there!

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I'm a senior researcher working in the Institute of Medical Sociology (IMS) at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). I chair the working group on health and health care among the aged.

My research interests are - Health and health care among the aged - Family carers of older people - Organizational behaviour and health care research - Social inequalities in health care

Scientific and social media profiles


You can find further information on my website:

👉👉 👈👈

including a list of publications.

Statistical skills

I'm co-chairing the working group "Research Methods" of the German Society of Medical Sociology (AG Methoden / DGMS) and do a lot R programming. Currently, I'm mostly involved in projects related to R statistics (through the easystats project or my other packages like ggeffects). However, my previous main activity in developing research software was the Zettelkasten, in Java.

Here are the main R-package projects I'm working on:

Data wrangling and preparation

Statistics and regression modelling

Data Visualization

sjPlot/strengejacke documentation built on May 16, 2024, 2:01 a.m.