

The units of all coordinates are in microns (um).


The BC/BCBP data. Each data file contains three lines (x,y,c). x and y is the spatial coordinate and c determines the class of neuron (1 for BC, 2 for BCBP). For each data file ending .dat, there is also a file ending .w that contains four numbers (xl xh yl yh). These four numbers define the rectangular bounding box from (xl,yl) to (xh, yh). All points should be located within the bounding box.


The ferret dopaminergic amacrine neurons data. f9942g.txt contains the coordinates of the GCL neurons, and f9942i.txt contains the coordinates of the INL neurons.


The chick cone data. This spreadsheet was taken from PLOS One and one field (DN4) extracted.


The cat beta retinal ganglion cell data. The on-centre neurons are stored in w81s1on.txt and off-centre neurons in w81s1of.txt.

sje30/eglen2015 documentation built on June 9, 2020, 5:57 p.m.