isi.gamma: Returns log(shape) and log(rate) of gamma distributions...

View source: R/isi.R

isi.gammaR Documentation

Returns log(shape) and log(rate) of gamma distributions fitted to ISI of the spike train. The spike train is split into chunks and gamma distribution for each of them is estimated using maximum-likelihood. The result is a mean of log of the estimated gamma distributions.


The rate approximates mean firing rate, shape is a measure of firing regularity: - for firing in bursts: log(shape) < 1 - for Poisson distributed firing: log(shape) = 1 - for firing with peak of ISI: log(shape) > 1


isi.gamma(spike.train, chunk.length = 100)



vector of spike times


length of chunks used for estimation


Calculation of the measure adopted from: Y. Mochizuki et al., Similarity in neuronal firing regimes across mammalian species. Journal of Neuroscience (2016) in press.


list with log(shape) and log(rate) with the means of fitted gamma distributions

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