tm.newsstand-package: Plugin to the tm package for the Canadian Newsstand databse.

Description Details Author(s) References


This package serves as a plugin for the tm package to read in news articles from the Canadian NewsStand database and extracting metadata.


This package was developed primarily to take advantage of useful metadata that are produced in output from ProQuest's Canadian NewsStand database. This database contains most Canadian newspapers and television shows and is widely subscribed to by Canadian universities. As such, this package is meant to improve the ability of Canadian researchers to make use of these data.

Please note: in its current form it requires the output from Canadian NewsStand to be in a particular format. Please pay attention to the following options when downloading material from the Canadian Newsstand database.


Simon J. Kiss, Wilfrid Laurier University

Maintainer: Simon Kiss <skiss at wlu dot ca>


Feinerer, I. “Introduction to the Tm Package Text Mining in R,” July 10, 2014.

sjkiss/tm.newsstand documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:05 a.m.