knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


The goal of Birdr is to retrieve select data from the eBird api and create maps/graphics that could be useful to birders in the United States


You can install the the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

eBird keys

Most functions in Birdr require an API key

Please obtain a key here before attempting to use the package - (

Obtain United States region codes

Certain functions in Birdr require you to specify a region in the US to look at/visualize data from

You can use the function pick_UScode() to determine what you need to input for region specifying arguments.

The function returns a subnational1 regional code for the US by sepcifying the state of interest:

pick_UScode(state = "California", ebirdkey = '1ls8sv5baidn')

OR a subnational2 regional code for the US if a county name is supplied:

pick_UScode(state = "California", county = "San Luis Obispo", ebirdkey = '1ls8sv5baidn')

GET recent notable obs for a region

You can use the function get_notable_obs() to retrieve recent notable bird observations from eBird AI for a specified US region:

get_notable_obs(region_code = "US-CA-079", ebirdkey = '1ls8sv5baidn', back = 2)

Create a chart of recent obs counts for a region

You can create a dot plot showing counts of recent notable birds for a specified region using get_notable_chart():

get_notable_chart(region_code = "US-CA-079", ebirdkey = '1ls8sv5baidn', obs_to_plot = 25, back = 15)

sjmarks/Birdr documentation built on May 12, 2020, 5:48 p.m.