  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

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The aim of Classification and Regression Tests is to make the process of running classifier and regression tests easier. Each classifier and regression technique available in R, such as Adaboost, Random Forests, or Classification and Regression Trees, seems to have slightly different requirements for the data, such as whether NAs are allowed. Furthermore, each technique can have (slightly) different parameters for training a model and making predictions.

This package provides a single API for making predictions based on a regression model or classification model, that makes sure the data is cleaned in such a way that the technique can process it with a minimal amount of problems. The results of a test are presented in a consistent way.

Basically, the aim of crtests is to make running a classifier or regression test as simple as providing data, selecting a technique. Several techniques are supported and verified 'out of the box': Random Forests for regression and classification through the randomForest package; CART for regression and classification through the rpart package; Adaboost for regression through the gbm package and Adaboost for classification through the boosting function from the adabag package; linear regression through lm.

crtests splits the classifier/regression testing process into multiple steps, each of which can be adapted to other techniques with requirements of their own. See the "extending" vignette to see how crtests can be made to work with your favorite technique, if it does not work out of the box.

crtests can be used both for single tests, where a single sample of data is used as a training set, and for multiple tests, where multiple samples of training data are created, and a test is run on each. The latter supports cross validation.

Using crtests: example

Single test with one technique and one training sample


# A classification test
test <- createtest(data = iris, 
                   dependent = "Species",
                   problem = "classification",
                   method = "randomForest",
                   name = "An example classification test",
                   train_index = sample(150, 100)

# A regression test
test <- createtest(data = iris,
                   dependent = "Sepal.Width",
                   problem = "regression",
                   method = "randomForest",
                   name = "An example regression test",
                   train_index = sample(150,100)

Multiple tests with one technique and multiple training samples


# A classification multitest
  multitest(data = iris,
            dependent = "Species",
            problem = "classification",
            method = "randomForest",
            name = "An example classification multitest",
            iterations = 10,
            cross_validation = TRUE,
            preserve_distribution = TRUE

# A regression multitest
  multitest(data = iris,
            dependent = "Sepal.Width",
            problem = "regression",
            method = "rpart",
            name = "An example regression multitest",
            iterations = 15,
            cross_validation = FALSE

Installing the latest version of crtests

  1. Install the release version of devtools from CRAN: install.packages(devtools)
  2. Install crtests from GitHub: devtools::install_github("sjoerdvds/crtests")

sjoerdvds/crtests documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:05 a.m.