NormalLaplace-package: The Package 'NormalLaplace': Summary Information

Description Author(s) References See Also


This package provides a collection of functions for the Generalised Normal Laplace and the Normal Laplace distributions. Functions are provided for the density function, distribution function, quantiles and random number generation. The mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of a given Normal Laplace distribution are given by nlMean, nlVar, nlSkew, and nlKurt respectively. Equivalents for the Generalised Normal Laplace distribution exist, given by gnlMean, gnlVar, gnlSkew, and gnlKurt respectively.


David Scott, Jason Shicong Fu, Simon Potter

Maintainer: David Scott <>


William J. Reed. (2006) The Normal-Laplace Distribution and Its Relatives. In Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics and Inference, pp. 61–74. Birkhäuser, Boston.

See Also

dnl, dgnl, millsR, NormalLaplaceMeanVar, GeneralisedNormalLaplaceMeanVar

sjp/NormalLaplace documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:06 a.m.