
hashtag is a compilation of commands from different twitter and sentiment analysis packages that help you do simple twitter scrapes and analyses - fast.

So far, only "afinn" sentiment analysis is available, which classifies words as 'positive' or 'negative' with an appropriate score. Give it a try!

Note, the user must set up their own twitter API connection. I found this site helpful:



Quick demo

First connect to Twitter. I store my twitter API keys in a file buried deep in my computer:

keys <- read_csv('/Users/yam/OneDrive/shared files/Statslearningcourse/twitteR/keys.csv')
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
#>   item = col_character(),
#>   key = col_character()
#> )

# setup_twitter_oauth(consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret)

#> [1] "Using direct authentication"

Then write a regular expression you want to search twitter for, and use this as an input for hash_sentiment()

hash_sentiment(regex = "coriander|cilantro", num.tweets = 800,
               method = "afinn", sentiment = "positive", num.summary = 3,
               scrape = TRUE)
#> $`New addiction thanks to Cucumber Dill Salad Who knew I would love the coriander in my salad dressing Amazing FIXATE`
#>      token afinn
#> 3   thanks     2
#> 12    love     3
#> 19 amazing     4
#> 21   TOTAL     9
#> $`If I could change places w someone for 1 day itd be w someone who likes cilantro bc I want to know what kind of life a person like that has`
#>    token afinn
#> 16 likes     2
#> 20  want     1
#> 24  kind     2
#> 29  like     2
#> 32 TOTAL     7
#> $`One of my favorite ways to use cilantro is in a beautiful clear soup with monkfish and lime NobuMatsuhisa quotes`
#>        token afinn
#> 4   favorite     2
#> 12 beautiful     3
#> 13     clear     1
#> 21     TOTAL     6

If you want to look at different parts of the same twitter scrape, set scrape = FALSE

hash_sentiment(regex = "coriander|cilantro", num.tweets = 800,
               method = "afinn", sentiment = "negative", num.summary = 3,
               scrape = FALSE)
#> $`I didnt know there was a CILANTRO HATING GENE thats the weirdest shit ever`
#>     token afinn
#> 8  hating    -3
#> 13   shit    -4
#> 15  TOTAL    -7
#> $`I just panicked and got all nervous because I accidentally only paid for normal cilantro but took organic cilantro and still walked out`
#>           token afinn
#> 3      panicked    -3
#> 7       nervous    -2
#> 10 accidentally    -2
#> 24        TOTAL    -7
#> $`dont me but I fucking hate cilantro`
#>     token afinn
#> 5 fucking    -4
#> 6    hate    -3
#> 8   TOTAL    -7

Please excuse the swearing!!

sk6aus6/hashtag documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:07 a.m.