Man pages for skgrange/enlightenr
Convenient and robust functions for fancy statistical techniques

broom_multipleFunction to apply all of *broom*'s tidying functions and...
broom_sweepFunction to further clean *broom*'s tidy data frames.
decompose_kzFunction to decompose time-series with Kolmogorov-Zurbenko...
decompose_stlFunction to decompose time-series with loess.
ggimportanceFunction to plot the 'increase_in_mse' variable for a...
ggpartialFunction to plot partial dependence plots for a...
ggtreesFunction to plot the MSE and number of trees for a...
importance_tidyFunction to tidy the 'importance' matrix for a 'randomForest'...
interpolate_surfaceFunction to conveniently interpolate a reglar surface from...
kernel_smootherFunction to apply kernel smoothing functions.
least_squares_regressionFunction to apply linear regression techniques to...
linear_mapFunction to apply a linear map transformation to a numeric...
lm_equationFunction to get least-squares regression equation as a...
make_predictionFunction to predict using a model object and return a vector.
many_quantilesFunction to apply many quantile regression models and return...
partial_plot_predictFunction to calculate partial dependencies from a...
plot_many_quantilesFunction to quickly plot many quantiles regression lines on a...
pull_model_coefficientsFunctions to pull useful pieces out of model objects.
theil_sen_estimatorFunctions to apply non-parametric linear regression methods...
theil_sen_prewhitenFunction to calculate the Thiel-Sen estimate of slope after...
skgrange/enlightenr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1:03 a.m.