
Defines functions osm_boundary_way_worker parse_polygons_openstreetmap_fr_wkt_to_sf get_osm_boundary_worker get_osm_boundary

Documented in get_osm_boundary

#' Function to get OpenStreetMap boundaries as spatial polygons. 
#' \code{get_osm_boundary} accesses 
#' \href{http://polygons.openstreetmap.fr/index.py}{this} polygon creator tool. 
#' @param id A vector of OpenStreetMap relations. An integer key.
#' @param way Is \code{id} a way? If \code{TRUE}, a different method is needed
#' which scrapes XML directly from OpenStreetMap for nodes and is a bit slow. 
#' @param sleep Number of seconds between server queries. This is useful if 
#' many large polygons are being requested. 
#' @param sf Should the function return a \strong{sf} object?
#' @param verbose Should the function give messages? 
#' @return SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with WGS84 projection. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @examples 
#' # Get North York Moors National Park boundary
#' sp_moors <- get_osm_boundary(409150)
#' @export
get_osm_boundary <- function(id, way = FALSE, sleep = 1, sf = FALSE, 
                             verbose = FALSE) {
  # Parse input
  id <- stringr::str_trim(id)
  if (!way) {
    # Do
    sp_list <- purrr::map(
      id, ~get_osm_boundary_worker(., sleep = sleep, sf = sf, verbose = verbose)
    if (sf) {
      sp <- bind_rows(sp_list)
    } else {
      # Check types
      class_sp <- sapply(sp_list, class)
      if (length(class_sp) == 1 && class_sp == "NULL") {
        sp <- NULL
      } else {
        # Bind list
        sp <- sp_bind(sp_list)
        # Drop unique observation id
        sp@data$id <- NULL
  } else {
    # Use osm functions to directly scrape
    sp_list <- purrr::map(id, ~osm_boundary_way_worker(., verbose = verbose))
    # Bind list of spatial objects
    sp <- sp_bind(sp_list)
    sp$id <- seq(1, length(sp))
    sp$id_osm <- id

get_osm_boundary_worker <- function(id, sleep, sf, verbose) {
  # Message for user
  if (verbose) message(threadr::date_message(), "`", id, "`...")
  # Build query
  url <- stringr::str_c(
  # Get wkt
  text <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) {
    message("'id' ", id, " not found...")
  # If null then return now
  if (is.null(text) || text == "None") return(NULL)
  if (sf) {
    sp <- parse_polygons_openstreetmap_fr_wkt_to_sf(text, id)
  } else {
    # Drop preamble/projection information
    text <- stringr::str_remove(text, "SRID=4326;")
    # Promote to spatial
    sp <- sp_from_wkt(text, verbose = FALSE)
    # Add projection
    sp <- sp_transform(sp, to = projection_wgs84(), warn = FALSE)
    # Give a data slot
    sp <- sp_promote(sp)
    # Add open street map id to data slot
    sp@data$id_osm <- as.integer(id)
  # Sleep if desired
  if (!is.na(sleep)) Sys.sleep(sleep)

parse_polygons_openstreetmap_fr_wkt_to_sf <- function(text, id) {
  text %>% 
    sf::st_as_sfc() %>% 
    sf::st_sf() %>% 
    mutate(id = !!as.integer(id)) %>% 

osm_boundary_way_worker <- function(id, verbose) {
  # Message for user
  if (verbose) message(threadr::date_message(), "`", id, "`...")
  # Get nodes
  vector_nodes <- get_osm_way_data(id)$relations
  # Get nodes
  df <- get_osm_node_data(vector_nodes)$attributes
  # Promote
  sp <- sp_from_data_frame(df, type = "polygon")
skgrange/gissr documentation built on June 20, 2024, 12:02 a.m.