Man pages for skgrange/normalweatherr
An R package to conduct meteorological/weather normalisation on air quality data

add_date_variablesFunction to transform a parsed 'date' variable into other...
calculate_modelFunction to model pollutant concentrations based on...
clip_edgesFunction to "clip" the edges of a time-series.
deseasonalise_stlFunction to decompose a monthly time series with loess.
detect_breakpointsFunction to detect breakpoints in a data frame.
ggtest_predictionFunction to use the testing set in a *normalweatherr_model*...
normalise_for_meteorologyFunction to normalise a concentration variable based on...
normalise_variablesFunction to normalise for meteorology for many variables.
pipePsudo-function to re-export *magrittr*'s pipe.
predict_using_test_setFunction to use a test set for predictions within a...
random_rowsFunction to get a vector of random rows for data frame...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
register_coresFunction to register parallel backend.
split_input_dataFunction to split an input data frame into training and...
theil_sen_trend_testFunction to test a time series with the Theil-Sen estimator.
theil_sen_trend_vectorFunction to calculate a trend vector for a time series.
wday_mondayFunction to get weekday number from a date where '1' is...
skgrange/normalweatherr documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:34 a.m.