Man pages for skgrange/rmweather
Tools to Conduct Meteorological Normalisation and Counterfactual Modelling for Air Quality Data

base-functionsPseudo-function to re-export functions from the *stats*...
data_londonExample observational data for the *rmweather* package.
data_london_normalisedExample of meteorologically normalised data for the...
dplyr-functionsPseudo-function to re-export *dplyr*'s common functions.
model_londonExample *ranger* random forest model for the *rmweather*...
pipePseudo-function to re-export *magrittr*'s pipe.
rmw_calculate_model_errorsFunction to calculate observed-predicted error statistics.
rmw_clipFunction to "clip" the edges of a normalised time series...
rmw_do_allFunction to train a random forest model to predict (usually)...
rmw_find_breakpointsFunction to detect breakpoints in a data frame using a linear...
rmw_model_nested_setsFunction to train random forest models using a nested tibble.
rmw_model_statisticsFunctions to extract model statistics from a model calculated...
rmw_nest_for_modellingFunction to nest observational data before modelling with...
rmw_normaliseFunction to normalise a variable for "average" meteorological...
rmw_normalise_nested_setsFunction to normalise a variable for "average" meteorological...
rmw_partial_dependenciesFunction to calculate partial dependencies after training...
rmw_plot_importanceFunction to plot random forest variable importances after...
rmw_plot_normalisedFunction to plot the meteorologically normalised time series...
rmw_plot_partial_dependenciesFunction to plot partial dependencies after calculation by...
rmw_plot_test_predictionFunction to plot the test set and predicted set after...
rmw_predictFunction to predict using a *ranger* random forest.
rmw_predict_nested_partial_dependenciesFunction to calculate partial dependencies from a random...
rmw_predict_nested_setsFunction to make predictions from a random forest models...
rmw_predict_nested_sets_by_yearFunction to make predictions by meteorological year from a...
rmw_predict_the_test_setFunctions to use a model to predict the observations within a...
rmw_prepare_dataFunction to prepare a data frame for modelling with...
rmw_train_modelFunction to train a random forest model to predict (usually)...
system_cpu_core_countFunction to return the system's number of CPU cores.
wday_mondayFunction to get weekday number from a date where '1' is...
zzzSquash the global variable notes when building a package.
skgrange/rmweather documentation built on June 9, 2024, 8:12 p.m.