Man pages for skgrange/systemr
Tools to Return Structured System Calls

base-functionsPseudo-function to re-export functions from the *utils*...
dplyr-functionsPseudo-function to re-export *dplyr*'s common functions.
file_copy_nFunction to copy files with *fs* but file by file to allow...
format_microbenchmark_returnFunction to format a *microbenchmark* return into a tidy...
freeFunction to calculate percentage memory usage.
get_device_read_speedsFunction to run the 'hdparm' programme to get devices' read...
get_find_mount_dataFunction to get a system's mount point and device...
get_ip_address_informationFunction to get public IP address information from the...
get_time_zoneFunction to get time zone information from a date, latitude,...
hostnameFunction to find system's hostname.
image_raw_to_jpgFunction to convert raw image files (usually 'CR2') to 'jpg'...
image_resizeFunction to resize images with 'ImageMagick'.
image_update_creation_dateFunction to update an image's creation dates.
linux_releaseFunction to get Linux release information.
log_system_loadsFunction to log system logs.
osFunction to get operating system type.
pdf_combineFunction to combine 'pdf' files using 'pdftk'.
pdf_cropFunction to crop a pdf file.
pdf_to_pngFunction to convert a pdf file to a png file, usually used...
pipePseudo-function to re-export *magrittr*'s pipe.
png_to_jpgFunction to convert a '.png' image to a '.jpeg' image.
read_rhythmbox_databaseFunctions to read XML files created by the Rhythmbox music...
r_versionFunction to return a formatted 'R.Version' call.
speed_testFunction to run the 'speedtest-cli' internet bandwidth...
stop_quietlyFunction to stop an R session without an error.
svg_to_pdfFunction to convert a 'svg' file to a 'pdf' file.
synchronize_directoryFunction to synchronize a local and remote directory with...
system_block_devicesFunction to return system block devices.
system_cpu_core_countFunction to return the system's number of CPU cores.
system_cpu_informationFunction to return CPU information.
system_directory_sizeFunction to get the total size of a directory.
system_disk_spaceFunction to return a system's file systems' free space...
system_essidFunction to return a system's extended service set...
system_host_reachableFunction to test of a URl/host is reachable.
system_infoFunction to return a better formatted '' call.
system_ip_addressFunction to return system's IP address.
system_last_usersFunction to return a formatted version of the Unix 'last'...
system_loadFunction to return formatted system loads.
system_mac_addressesFunction to return a system's media access control (MAC)...
system_memory_informationFunction to return a system's memory information.
system_memory_usageFunction to calculate percentage memory usage.
system_network_connectionsFunction to list a system's network connections.
system_notifyFunction to send a system notification to the Ubuntu desktop.
system_pidFunciton to get R's system process ID.
system_processesFunction to list a system's processes.
system_running_processesFunction to count number of processes running.
system_sensorsFunction to format 'sensors' output.
system_time_zoneFunction to get system's time zone string.
system_uptimeFunction to get system uptime.
system_usb_devicesFunction to return a system's USB devices from a 'lsusb'...
system_users_running_processesFunction to list or count users who have running processes.
system_whoFunction to return logged in users.
to_jsonFunction to quickly use 'jsonlite::toJSON'.
ubuntu_testFunction to test if the current system is an Ubuntu...
webp_to_jpgFunction to convert a '.webp' image to a '.jpg' image.
zzzFunction to squash R check's global variable notes.
skgrange/systemr documentation built on April 18, 2024, 2:23 a.m.