
Defines functions compress_files_worker compress_files

Documented in compress_files

#' Function to compress files. 
#' @param files Files to compress. 
#' @param algorithm Compression algorithm to use. 
#' @param keep Should the original file be kept? Default is \code{TRUE}. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @export
compress_files <- function(files, algorithm = "bzip2", keep = TRUE) {
  purrr::walk(files, compress_files_worker, algorithm, keep)

# The worker
compress_files_worker <- function(file, algorithm, keep) {
  if (algorithm == "bzip2") {
    # Build command
    command <- stringr::str_c("bzip2 -f -z ", file)
    if (keep) command <- stringr::str_c(command, " -k")
    # System call
  if (algorithm == "zip") {
    # Build command
    file_output <- stringr::str_c(file, ".zip")
    command <- stringr::str_c("zip", file_output, file, sep = " ")
    # System call
    system(command, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
    # Delete file
    if (!keep) quiet(file.remove(file))
  # No return
skgrange/threadr documentation built on June 30, 2024, 10:26 p.m.