
Defines functions percent_lost percent_of percentage_difference percentage_change

Documented in percentage_change percentage_difference percent_lost percent_of

#' Function to calculate percentage change between new and old values. 
#' @param previous Previous or older value. 
#' @param new Newer value. 
#' @param as_decimal Should the percentage be represented in a 0 to 1 scale? 
#' @return Numeric vector. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @seealso \code{\link{percentage_difference}}
#' @examples 
#' # Simple calculations
#' percentage_change(100, 50)
#' percentage_change(50, 100)
#' # Global mean CO2 mole fraction
#' percentage_change(277, 400)
#' percentage_change(277, 400, as_decimal = TRUE)
#' # Percentage change depends on the order of the inputs because it depends on
#' # the denominator
#' percentage_change(104, 130)
#' percentage_change(130, 104)
#' @export
percentage_change <- function(previous, new, as_decimal = FALSE) {
  x <- ((new - previous) / previous) * 100
  if (as_decimal) x <- x / 100

#' Function to calculate the percentage difference between two values. 
#' @param value Numeric vector of values.  
#' @param value_two Numeric vector of values.  
#' @return Numeric vector with length of \code{value}.
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @seealso \code{\link{percentage_change}}
#' @examples 
#' # Calculate some differences
#' percentage_difference(100, 80)
#' percentage_difference(104, 130)
#' # A percentage difference's sign changes when the order of the inputs change,
#' # but not the value
#' percentage_difference(104, 130)
#' percentage_difference(130, 104)
#' @export
percentage_difference <- function(value, value_two) {
  (value - value_two) / ((value + value_two) / 2) * 100

#' Function to calculate the value of a percentage of another value. 
#' @param value Numeric vector of values.  
#' @param percent Percentage of \code{value} to calculate. \code{percent} is not
#' a decimal, \emph{i.e.} five percent is represented by 5. 
#' @return Numeric vector with length of \code{value}.
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @examples 
#' # Five percent of 33864
#' percent_of(33864, 5)
#' @export
percent_of <- function(value, percent) value * (percent / 100)

#' Function to calculate the percentage lost between two values. 
#' @param value Numeric vector of values.  
#' @param value_two Numeric vector of values.  
#' @param as_decimal Should the percentage be represented in a 0 to 1 scale? 
#' @return Numeric vector with length of \code{value}.
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @examples 
#' # Check the calculation, take 20 from 100
#' percent_lost(100, 80)
#' # Take 1693.2 from 33864
#' percent_lost(33864, 32170.8)
#' percent_lost(33864, 32170.8, as_decimal = TRUE)
#' @export
percent_lost <- function(value, value_two, as_decimal = FALSE) {
  x <- ((value - value_two) / value) * 100
  if (as_decimal) x <- x / 100
skgrange/threadr documentation built on June 30, 2024, 10:26 p.m.