
Defines functions round_any.hms round_any.POSIXct round_any.numeric round_any

Documented in round_any

#' Round to multiple of any number.
#' @param x numeric, date-time (POSIXct), or \strong{hms} vector to round.
#' @param accuracy number to round to; for POSIXct or \strong{hms} objects, a 
#' number of seconds. 
#' @param f rounding function: \code{\link{floor}}, \code{\link{ceiling}} or
#'  \code{\link{round}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' round_any(135, 10)
#' round_any(135, 100)
#' round_any(135, 25)
#' round_any(135, 10, floor)
#' round_any(135, 100, floor)
#' round_any(135, 25, floor)
#' round_any(135, 10, ceiling)
#' round_any(135, 100, ceiling)
#' round_any(135, 25, ceiling)
#' # For POSIXct data-types
#' round_any(Sys.time() + 1:10, 5)
#' round_any(Sys.time() + 1:10, 5, floor)
#' round_any(Sys.time(), 3600)
#' # For hms data-types
#' round_any(hms::as_hms(603), 60)
#' @export
round_any <- function(x, accuracy, f = round) {

#' @export
round_any.numeric <- function(x, accuracy, f = round) {
  f(x / accuracy) * accuracy

#' @export
round_any.POSIXct <- function(x, accuracy, f = round) {
  tz <- format(x[1], "%Z")
  xr <- round_any(as.numeric(x), accuracy, f)
  as.POSIXct(xr, origin="1970-01-01 00:00.00 UTC", tz = tz)

#' @export
round_any.hms <- function(x, accuracy, f = round) {
  xr <- round_any(as.numeric(x), accuracy, f)
skgrange/threadr documentation built on June 30, 2024, 10:26 p.m.