
Defines functions str_english_date_format

Documented in str_english_date_format

#' Function to format a date in a verbose, English language style character
#' string. 
#' @param x Date vector. 
#' @param weekday Should the weekday be returned? 
#' @param seconds Should seconds be printed? 
#' @param time_zone Should the time zone string be printed? 
#' @param date_only Should only the date pieces be returned? 
#' @param drop_zeros Should leading zeros be dropped from the return? 
#' @return Character vector. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange.
#' @examples 
#' # All information with seconds and time zone
#' str_english_date_format(lubridate::now())
#' # No seconds
#' str_english_date_format(lubridate::now(), seconds = FALSE)
#' # No seconds or time zone
#' str_english_date_format(lubridate::now(), seconds = FALSE, time_zone = FALSE)
#' @export 
str_english_date_format <- function(x, weekday = TRUE, seconds = TRUE, 
                                    time_zone = TRUE, date_only = FALSE,
                                    drop_zeros = TRUE) {
  # The formatting string
  format_string <- "%A, %B %d, %Y %H:%M"
  # Just the date
  if (date_only) {
    time_zone <- FALSE
    format_string <- stringr::str_remove(format_string, " %H:%M")
  } else {
    # Append seconds
    if (seconds) format_string <- stringr::str_c(format_string, ":%OS3")
    # To-do: fractional second logic
  # Drop weekday
  if (!weekday) format_string <- stringr::str_remove(format_string, "%A, ")
  # Do the formatting
  x <- format(x, format_string, usetz = time_zone)
  # Remove leading zeros
  if (drop_zeros) x <- stringr::str_replace_all(x, " 0", " ")
skgrange/threadr documentation built on June 30, 2024, 10:26 p.m.