Man pages for skolchin/eqvispkg
Earthquake visualization tools

eq_clean_dataData cleaning function The function takes raw NOAA data frame...
eq_create_labelMake up a label for visualization popup To be used with...
eq_load_dataData loading function The function loads the raw NOAA data...
eq_location_cleanLocation cleaning function The function takes NOAA data and...
eq_mapEartquake visualisation function The function displays...
geom_timelineFunction to build a layer for the geom_timeline proto...
GeomTimelineThe GeomTimeline prototype object This function will plot a...
geom_timeline_labelFunction to build a layer for the geom_timeline_label proto...
GeomTimelineLabelThe GeomTimelineLabel prototype object This function will...
theme_timelineTimeline theme function Derived from ordinary theme to make a...
skolchin/eqvispkg documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:14 a.m.