Man pages for skranz/LyxMaxima
An R based GUI to use Maxima as computer algebra system for Lyx

check.equalityA small GUI for Computer Algebra within Lyx Checks whether a...
convert.maxima.outputConvert maxima 'tex' output to Latex expression readable by...
do.substPerform the substitutions specified in lyma on ly code mao.code sends it to maxima and converts the results to...
is.emptyis.null(x) | length(x) == 0
kill.allClear all declarations in Maxima but reload header
ly.mao.diffdiff: lyx to mao code
ly.mao.signMaxima code for checking sign of a lyx math expression
ly.mao.solveLyx code to maxima solve code
lyx.diffDifferentiates a lyx expression
lyx.gotxt is some Lyx-Latex code copied from view Latex source
LyxMaximaxGlobalsReturns enviornment with global variables
lyx.signDetermines the sign of a lyx expression
lyx.simplifySimplifies a lyx expression
lyx.solveSolves a lyx equation
ma.mao.codeConvert maxima code in maxima code generation code
ma.mao.simplifyTakes maxima code and transforms it into a simplification... matex code (maxima code mixed with Latex in $ tags)...
mywarningWarning function that will display warning in LyxMaxima GUI
new.lymaA list that contains GUI values
remove.redundant.maxima.bracesRemoves many redundant braces in a string str that contains a... mao code to maxima
start.LyxMaximaInitializes Maxima Pipe and starts LyxMaxima GUI
write.maxima.headerWrites a maxima header for LyxMaxima
skranz/LyxMaxima documentation built on May 30, 2019, 1:08 a.m.